Midnight Mass Moonie Edition: Blessed Child Podcast

“TW- Suicidal ideation, religious abuse, child abuse, child abandonment, purity culture, human trafficking. Join in on a super casual- triggering AF conversation between 4 ex-moonies that happen to be in the same dining room the week after New Years 2022. Find Ryka @princessryka on IG, and Marina at @Marinka_dink on IG. Questions and comments canContinue reading “Midnight Mass Moonie Edition: Blessed Child Podcast”

The Unification Church – An English Perspective: Miriam on the Cult Vault Podcast

Miriam speaks to Kacey on the Cult Vault about growing up in a church nursery in England, the pressure to be a good ‘blessed child’, and example for the younger ones, her arranged marriage and eventual journey out of the church. Summary of content: 1. Intro to church and parents joining. 9. Offering children andContinue reading “The Unification Church – An English Perspective: Miriam on the Cult Vault Podcast”

What it’s like Leaving a Cult: Faith Y3n on Franc Analysis

Faith speaks to Franc about the process of leaving and the importance of re-education, patience and understanding mental health. Summary of content:2. Parents joined as students. Looking for a place to belong. They fundraised to buy Washington Times and other companies. 5. Moon backstory – came to finish Jesus’s mission. He joined a sex cult,Continue reading “What it’s like Leaving a Cult: Faith Y3n on Franc Analysis”

A Ticket to Heaven and This is Trafficking: Enryka Christopher on Falling Out Podcast with Elgen Strait (Parts 1 & 2)

Enryka talks about being an ‘Offering Child’ and her early life in the Church, in USA and Korea. 1. Feedback on previous episodes on six Mary’s and ‘Mother’s course’. 4. Moon as sexual predator. 6. Intro to Enryka. 7.Offering child background and Ryka’s story. 21.named by Moon’s child. Making up names. 13.Jefferson House. 24. Avoiding ‘pledge’. 26. MoonContinue reading “A Ticket to Heaven and This is Trafficking: Enryka Christopher on Falling Out Podcast with Elgen Strait (Parts 1 & 2)”

Second Gen Recovery Workshop with Gillie Jenkinson

Gillie Jenkinson is one of the only therapists in the UK who specialises in cult recovery, particularly with second generation survivors. She runs weekend courses to go through the post cult therapy workbook, and now, following requests for specialised support, she is running a series of sessions for second generation ex Moonies. It will beContinue reading “Second Gen Recovery Workshop with Gillie Jenkinson”

Renrobot’s Deconstructing Artwork

Renrobot has done a great deal of work expressing her journey out of the church… here are some examples of her work: https://www.facebook.com/renrobot.art https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Frenrobot.art%2Fposts%2F399968111022618&show_text=true&width=500

Dismantled -Moonie No More: Jen Kiaba on Talk Beliefs

Jen speaks about the mythology of the Unification Church, her experience growing up in it, being labor-trafficked, and having an arranged marriage blessing. Her recovery is explored through powerful photographic self-portraits and the value of art as therapy.